IProvisioningProfileWireless::CreateProfile method

Note  Wireless Provisioning Services (WPS) is no longer available as of Windows Vista.


The CreateProfile method enables the dynamic configuration of a new profile in the preferred profile list using XML.


HRESULT CreateProfile(
  [in]  BSTR  bstrXMLWirelessConfigProfile,
  [in]  BSTR  bstrXMLConnectionConfigProfile,
  [in]  GUID  *pAdapterInstanceGuid,
  [out] ULONG *pulStatus


  • bstrXMLWirelessConfigProfile [in]
    String containing the XML data for the wireless profile. This XML data must be in the format defined for the WirelessProfile schema.

  • bstrXMLConnectionConfigProfile [in]
    String containing the XML data for the connection settings associated with the wireless profile.

    Note   This parameter is not supported on Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and must be set to NULL on this operating system.


  • pAdapterInstanceGuid [in]
    GUID identifying the device on which this profile is to be applied. The GUID value can be derived through the EnumComponents or FindComponent methods of the INetCfg interface.

  • pulStatus [out]
    A pointer to a status field used to return a service-specific failure code. These codes are associated with the return value to provide a more detailed reason for the failure.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK; otherwise, returns one of the following codes:

Return code Description

The method call has failed.


The method call has failed.


The wireless profile was not created.


The object has already been added to another collection.



If the return value is non-zero, then the value of the pulStatus parameter can be used to provide more information about the failure:

  • If the value of the pulStatus parameter is WZC_PROFILE_SUCCESS (0), the error is related to system configuration or validation of the XML data.

  • If the value of the pulStatus parameter is non-zero, the error is related to a problem with the XML data specified by the bstrXMLWirelessConfigProfile parameter.

The following table defines the mapping between the return value and the value of the pulStatus parameter:

Return value pulStatus value


WZC_PROFILE_XML_* error codes


WZC_PROFILE_CONFIG_* error codes




The following are the error codes defined for the pulStatus parameter. Refer to the WirelessProfile schema and its validation rules for more information regarding the XML data elements.

    The Version element was not found in the XML data.

    A failure occurred while reading the Version element from the XML data.

    The Version element specified a value that is not supported.

    Note   For Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1, the Version element must be set to 1.


    The ssid element was not found in the XML data.

    The ssid element specified an invalid SSID string. This string must contain 1-32 characters.

    Either the connectionType element was not found in the XML data or the element specified an invalid connection method.

    Either the authentication element was not found in the XML data or the element specified an invalid authentication method.

    Either the encryption element was not found in the XML data or the element specified an invalid encryption method.

    Either the keyProvidedAutomatically element was not found in the XML data or the element specified an invalid value.

    Either the IEEE802.1XEnabled element was not found in the XML data or the element specified an invalid value.

    The EAPMethod element was set to an invalid value.

    The keyIndex element was set to a non-numeric value

    The keyIndex element was set to an invalid numeric value. This element must be set to a value in the range of 1-4.

    The networkKey element was set to a value that was invalid for the specified encryption method.

    The authentication element was set to an authentication method not supported by the specified connection method. For example, this error will occur if the authentication element is set to WPA and the connection element is set to IBSS.

    The encryption element was set to an encryption method not supported by the specified authentication method. For example, this error will occur if the encryption element is set to AES and the authentication element is set to Open.

    The networkKey element was not found in the XML data but the keyProvidedAutomatically element was set to 0.

    Note   This error is not applicable if the authentication element is set to Open and the encryption element is set to None.


    The keyIndex element was not found in the XML data and the keyProvidedAutomatically element was set to 1.

    Note   This error is applicable if the authentication element is set to Open or Shared.


    The keyIndex element specified a valid index value but either the keyProvidedAutomatically element was set to 1 or the authentication element was set to WPAPSK, WPA2PSK, or WPA-None.

    The IEEE802.1XEnabled element was set to 1 but either the connection element was set to IBSS or the encryption element was set to None.

    The IEEE802.1XEnabled element was set to 1 but the keyProvidedAutomatically element was set to 0 and the networkKey element was not found in the XML data.

    The IEEE802.1XEnabled element was set to 0 but the keyProvidedAutomatically element was set to 1.

    The EAPMethod element was not found in the XML data but the IEEE802.1XEnabled element was set to 1.

    The EAPMethod element was found in the XML data but the IEEE802.1XEnabled element was set to 1.

    The wireless device (as specified by the pAdapterInstanceGuid parameter) does not support the authentication method specified by the authentication element.

    The wireless device (as specified by the pAdapterInstanceGuid parameter) does not support the encryption method specified by the encryption element.

    A wireless profile defined by the XML data cannot be created. Another profile for the same SSID and connection method currently exists on the client. The user must first manually remove the existing wireless profile before running the WISP application again.

    The CreateProfile call failed due to a lack of available memory.

    The interface to the Wireless Zero Configuration service failed when reading the 802.1X configuration for the wireless profile defined by the XML data.

    The interface to the Wireless Zero Configuration service failed when writing the 802.1X configuration for the wireless profile defined by the XML data.

    The interface to the Wireless Zero Configuration service failed when creating the wireless profile defined by the XML data.

    The bstrXMLConnectionConfigProfile parameter contained a non-NULL value, which is not supported by the operating system. On Windows XP with SP2, the bstrXMLConnectionConfigProfile parameter must be NULL.

    The XML data could not be loaded for validation. This could occur if the XML data is not formatted correctly.

    The WirelessProfile schema could not be loaded to validate the XML data.

    A failure occurred while validating the XML data against the WirelessProfile schema.

    An internal system error occurred while processing the XML data.


Target platform



Not available beginning with Windows Vista.


Netprov.h (include Netprov.h)

See also

WirelessProfile Schema

Validation Rules

Preferred Profile Provisioning



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