INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::MergePropPages method

The MergePropPages method informs the notify object of the network component that the default property pages for the component are in the process of displaying. When the default property pages display, the object can create and merge custom property pages into the default set.


HRESULT MergePropPages(
  [in, out]      DWORD   *pdwDefPages,
  [out]          BYTE    **pahpspPrivate,
  [out]          UINT    *pcPages,
  [in]           HWND    hwndParent,
  [in, optional] LPCWSTR *pszStartPage


  • pdwDefPages [in, out]
    Pointer to a 32-bit variable that represents the number of default property pages that the network configuration subsystem displays. A notify object can modify the number passed by the network configuration subsystem to display a different number of default pages than originally intended. If the network configuration subsystem should not display any default property pages, the notify object sets this number to zero.

  • pahpspPrivate [out]
    Pointer to a buffer that receives an array of handles to custom property sheet pages. A notify object creates these custom property sheet pages for the network component that owns the object.

  • pcPages [out]
    Pointer to a buffer that receives the number of entries in the array to which pahpspPrivate points.

  • hwndParent [in]
    Handle to the currently active window that owns the custom property pages created by the notify object. The network configuration subsystem provides this handle so the notify object can display any required user interface before merging property pages that the object creates. This parameter can be a NULL value if the custom property pages will not have an owner.

  • pszStartPage [in, optional]
    Pointer to a buffer that contains the name of the initial property page that displays after MergePropPages creates a property sheet dialog box. This parameter can specify either the identifier of a string resource or the pointer to a string that specifies the name. If this parameter is passed in as a NULL value, a start page is not required for the notify object. If this parameter is passed in as non-NULL, the MergePropPages implementation must provide a start page.

Return value

Returns zero (S_OK) if successful; otherwise, returns NETCFG_* codes that are defined in Netcfgx.h.


The MergePropPages method calls the COM CoTaskMemAlloc function to allocate the buffer required for pahpspPrivate. If CoTaskMemAlloc returns a NULL value, MergePropPages returns E_INVALIDARG.


Target platform



Netcfgn.h (include Netcfgn.h)



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