HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance function

This function is obsolete for Microsoft Windows XP (SP1 and later), Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and later operating systems.

The HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance function supplies a network migration DLL with the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a network adapter.


LONG __stdcall HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance(
  _In_  PCWSTR szPreNt5NetCardInstance,
  _Out_ LPGUID pguid


  • szPreNt5NetCardInstance [in]
    The preupgrade instance of the service (device driver) for an adapter. szPreNt5NetCardInstance typically consists of the service name followed by an instance number as a suffix.

  • pguid [out]
    If szPreNt5NetCardInstance existed before the upgrade and could be mapped to its postupgrade instance, pGuid points to the postupgrade instance GUID for the adapter. Otherwise, pGuid is zero.

Return value

The HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance function can return either:

Return code Description

HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance returned a valid pGuid value.


szPreNt5NetCardInstance is invalid.


Any other return values indicate that the szPreNt5NetCardInstance could not be mapped to its Windows 2000 or later instance GUID.


A network migration DLL must call HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance in the context of the DLL's DoPostUpgradeProcessing function.

If the miniport driver for a network adapter required the adapter's instance ID before the operating system upgrade, it will probably require the adapter's instance ID after the upgrade. A network migration DLL calls HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance to obtain the Windows 2000 or later instance GUID for a network adapter.


Target platform



Obsolete for Microsoft Windows XP with SP1 and later service packs, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and later operating systems.


Oemupgex.h (include OemUpGex.h)

See also




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