CSystemClock Class (Windows CE 5.0)

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This class implements a system clock that provides time information and timing signals to an application. It uses the CBaseReferenceClock base class to provide most of that functionality, adding persistence.

CSystemClock implements the IPersist interface. For more implementation information, see OLE Programmers Reference (Vol. 1): Structured Storage Overview.

Member Functions

Member function Description
CreateInstance Creates an instance of a system clock.
CSystemClock Constructs a CSystemClock object.

Implemented IPersist Methods

Method Description
GetClassID Returns the class identifier for this clock (CLSID_SystemClock).

Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods

Method Description
NonDelegatingQueryInterface Passes out pointers to IID_IPersist, and calls the base clock for other interface queries.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

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