Options Dialog Box: Format Tab (Windows CE 5.0)

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This tab includes the following items.

  • Category
    Use to see the windows you can set formatting options for.

    If you select All Windows, the formatting options are applied to all windows in Platform Builder.

    Categories in bold type specify all windows in that category.

    Categories in regular type specify windows included in the categories in bold type. For instance, you can set options for all windows related to the debugger, and then set different options for individual types of debugger windows, such as the Calls Window.

  • Font
    Use to type the font name in the box or to select it from the drop-down list of available fonts.

  • Size
    Use to type the font size in the box or to select it from the drop-down list of available fonts..

  • Colors
    Use to select the window elements for which you would like to specify a foreground or background color, and then select the foreground color from the Foreground dropdown list and the background color from the Background dropdown list below.

    The list of elements displayed changes depending on the windows selected in the Category list.

    The Text element in the Source Windows category sets the default for all other Text elements in all other windows.

    The selection of Automatic in the Foreground or Background lists for the Source Windows category uses the system-wide choices of colors in Control Panel.

  • Reset all
    Click to reset the formatting options for a selected category to the default setting.

  • Sample
    Use to see an example of the selected format options.

See Also

Options Dialog Box

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