Using the Custom Draw Service (Windows CE 5.0)

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Windows CE supports the custom draw service. The custom draw service is not a common control; it is a service that makes it easy to customize the appearance of a common control. You can use it to change the color or font of a common control, or to draw the control partially or completely.

A common control that supports the custom draw service provides this service by sending an NM_CUSTOMDRAW message at specific times during drawing operations. The lParam parameter of NM_CUSTOMDRAW is a reference to an NMCUSTOMDRAW structure. If the control is a list view, it uses the NMLVCUSTOMDRAW structure; if the control is a tree view, it uses the NMTVCUSTOMDRAW structure; if the control is a ToolTip, it uses the NMTTCUSTOMDRAW structure. These structures contain data that the application can use to determine how to draw the control. The following common controls can provide the custom draw service:

  • Command bands
  • Header controls
  • List views
  • Toolbars
  • ToolTips
  • Trackbars
  • Tree views

See Also

Working with Common Controls

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