Shared Source Code Directories (Windows CE 5.0)

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In a typical Microsoft® Windows® CE OS installation, source code is in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public and %_WINCEROOT%\Platform directories, which are in the directory where Microsoft Platform Builder is installed.

When you install Windows CE Shared Source, additional shared source code is installed into the %_WINCEROOT%\Private directories.

The following table shows the directories where source code is located.

Directory Description
Others Run-time files, binary files for building run-time image files, registry files, and batch files used to add files to a run-time image.
Platform Hardware platform files and directories.
Private Source code for the Windows CE OS.
Public Directories for Windows CE OS designs.

See Also

Shared Source Others Directory | Shared Source Platform Directory | Shared Source Private Directory | Shared Source Public Directory | Using Shared Source Code in an OS Design

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