Workspace Creation in the IDE (Windows CE 5.0)
In the integrated development environment (IDE), when you select New Platform from the File menu, the New Platform Wizard creates a workspace. The following list shows the results of the Wizard:
Creation of a workspace directory, typically located in %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces. This directory contains the following files:
- A README.txt file, which explains the directory layout
- A workspace file (.pbxml), which tracks your workspace settings
- An options file (.opt), which contains tools options such as breakpoint settings
Creation of an operating system (OS) design directory in %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces\%_TGTPROJ%
Creation of release directories in %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces\%_TGTPROJ%\Reldir
For example, if you create an OS design based on the x86 hardware platform for the Emulator, the release directories are named EMULATOR_X86Debug and EMULATOR_X86Retail.
In Explorer, you can open a build window or create a shortcut to a build window by selecting the workspace file, and then choosing the configuration that you want from the context menu.
If you create a build window shortcut, you can place it on the desktop for quick access.
To create a build window shortcut
- In Explorer, navigate to the directory where your workspace is located, typically %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces.
- Select the workspace file for your workspace; then, from the context menu, select Create Build Window Shortcut and choose a configuration.
- When the Browse for Folder dialog box appears, navigate to the location where you want the shortcut to be placed, typically the desktop, and then choose OK.
For more information about the New Platform Wizard, see Creating an OS Design with the New Platform Wizard .
See Also
Workspace Creation | Catalog Overview | Creating a Workspace from the Command-Line
Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006
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