SG_REQ (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information that the FAT file system fills. The read and write IOCTLs use this structure.

typedef struct _SG_REQ {DWORD sr_start;DWORD sr_num_sec;DWORD sr_num_sg;DWORD sr_status;PFN_REQDONE sr_callback;SG_BUF sr_sglist[1];} SG_REQ, *PSG_REQ;


  • sr_start
    The starting sector number relative to the beginning of the store.
  • sr_num_sec
    The number of sectors.
  • sr_num_sg
    Number of scatter or gather buffers, which is typically one. If sr_num_sg is greater than one, the block device driver should complete additional entries in the sr_sglist array.
  • sr_status
    Request status.
  • sr_callback
    Callback function for the request completion.
  • sr_sglist
    The first scatter/gather buffer.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Diskio.h.

See Also


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