ResetBulkEndpoint (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function resets the pipe, and then checks the endpoint status on the device. If the endpoint is halted, then this function sends a clear feature request through ClearOrSetFeature.

DWORD ResetBulkEndpoint(  LPCUSB_FUNCS pUsbFuncs,  HANDLE hUsbDevice,  USB_PIPE hPipe,  LPTRANSFER_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine,  PVOID NotifyContext,  UCHAR bIndex,  DWORD dwTimeout);


  • pUsbFuncs
    [in] Pointer to a USB_FUNCS structure.
  • hUsbDevice
    [in] Handle to a USB device.
  • hPipe
    [in] Handle to a USB pipe.
  • NotifyRoutine
    [in] Pointer to a LPTRANSFER_NOTIFY_ROUTINE of a callback routine, which might be NULL.
  • NotifyContext
    [in] Pointer to the parameter to pass to a callback routine.
  • bIndex
    [in] Value of zero (0) for DEVICE, or interface or endpoint number.
  • dwTimeout
    [in] Timeout in milliseconds (ms).

Return Values

Microsoft® Win32® error code. For more information, see GetLastError.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Usbclient.h.

See Also


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