PDDInit (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used by MDD to initialize the PDD.

BOOL PDDInit(RNDIS_PDD_CHARACTERISTICS* pRndisPddCharacteristics,PBYTE pBaseAddress);


  • pRndisPddCharacteristics
    [out] Points to RNDIS_PDD_CHARACTERISTICS structure set up by MDD and filled by PDD.
  • pBaseAddress
    [in] Only used by RNDIS KITL. If set, the MDD informs the PDD to use this base IO address instead of re-registering or scanning the hardware for its device.

Return Values

TRUE successful PDD initialization, FALSE otherwise.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Rndismini.h.

See Also


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