IRTCClientPresence::OfferWatcherMode (Windows CE 5.0)
This method sets or gets the way the RTC Client API handles subscription requests by new watchers that are not in the list of allowed or blocked watchers.
HRESULT put_OfferWatcherMode(RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODEenMode);HRESULT get_OfferWatcherMode(RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE* penMode);
- enMode, penMode
[in, out] An RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE enumeration value specifying the setting.
Return Values
This method can return an RTC_E_ constant.
If the RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE enumeration value RTCOWM_AUTOMATICALLY_ADD_WATCHER is used, watchers are added to the watcher list without prior approval from the user and without notification to the user.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Rtccore.h, Rtccore.idl.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.
See Also
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