D3DMPMISCCAPS Values (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows values that are used in the PrimitiveMiscCaps member of the D3DMCAPS structure to describe miscellaneous capabilities related to primitive handling.

Value Description
D3DMPMISCCAPS_CULLNONE Indicates that the device is capable of disabling backface culling. See the D3DMCULL_NONE value in the D3DMCULL enumeration.
D3DMPMISCCAPS_CULLCW Indicates that the device is capable of culling primitives clockwise (D3DMCULL_CW).
D3DMPMISCCAPS_CULLCCW Indicates that the device is capable of culling primitives counter clockwise. See the D3DMCULL_CCW value in the D3DMCULL enumeration.
D3DMPMISCCAPS_COLORWRITEENABLE Indicates that the device is capable of independent color channel masking during pixel write. See the D3DMRS_COLORWRITEENABLE value in the D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE enumeration.
D3DMPMISCCAPS_TSSARGTEMP Indicates that the device supports the temporary register (see D3DMTA_TEMP in D3DMTA Values) in its texturing unit.
D3DMPMISCCAPS_ALPHABLEND Indicates that the device supports some form of alpha blending in the pixel processing phase. See the descriptions of the SrcBlendCaps, DestBlendCaps and BlendOpCaps members of the D3DMCAPS structure for supported operations.
D3DMPMISCCAPS_ALPHACMP Indicates that the device supports some form of alpha comparisons in the pixel processing phase. See the description of the AlphaCmpCaps member of the D3DMCAPS structure for supported comparison operators.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmcaps.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Capability Bits | Direct3D Mobile Macros

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