KitlInit (Windows CE 5.0)
This function is called by the OEM to initialize the KITL subsystem.
BOOL KitlInit(BOOLfStartKitl);
- fStartKitl
[in] If set to TRUE, KITL is initialized and set to a working state; otherwise, KITL is initialized only and can be started later if KITLRegisterClient is called.
Return Values
If KITL is started, TRUE is returned; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
This function should be called by the OEM adaptation layer (OAL) to initialize the KITL subsystem.
As part of the KitlInit processing, the kernel calls OEMKitlInit to perform hardware initialization. It can be called any time after the KernelStart function has been called, typically as part of OEMInitDebugSerial or OEMInit processing.
In the implementation of OEMPowerOff, OEMs should reinitialize their KITL hardware after powering on. This is usually done by calling OEMEthInit for Ethernet KITL transport.
Note OEMEthInit should only be called if KitlInit was called during startup. It should not be called if there were no Ethernet KITL services before the ignition cycling.
The boot loader can pass information in BOOT_ARGS that determines whether KitlInit is called along with possible setting. If the boot loader signals not to use KITL, the OAL can skip this call. If the boot loader signals to use passive KITL mode, the OAL can call this call with fStartKitl set to FALSE.
If fStartKitl is FALSE, KITL behaves in a completely passive mode and there will be no KITL activity until KITLRegisterClient is called. KITLRegisterClient is mostly used on devices that need to use a just-in-time (JIT) debugger.
If fStartKitl is TRUE, KITL will start communicating with the development workstation and block until a connection is made. The default services, PPSH, DBGMSG, and KDBG, will also start based on the configuration setting from the development workstation.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Kitl.h.
Link Library: Kitl.lib.
See Also
OEMKitlInit | SetKernelCommDev | OEMInitDebugSerial | OEMInit | OEMPowerOff | KITLRegisterClient
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