EbootInitEtherTransport (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function initializes the Ethernet download transport.

BOOL EbootInitEtherTransport(EDBG_ADDR* pEdbgAddr,LPDWORD pdwSubnetMask,BOOL* pfJumping,DWORD* pdwDHCPLeaseTime,UCHAR VersionMajor,UCHAR VersionMinor,char* szPlatformString,char* szDeviceName,UCHAR CPUId,DWORD dwBootFlags);


  • pEdbgAddr
    [in] Pointer to an EDBG_ADDR structure containing the IP address and Media Access Control (MAC) address of the device.

    The wPort field is not used.

  • pdwSubnetMask
    [in] Subnet mask.

  • pfJumping
    [in] Set to TRUE, if Eshell prompts a jump to the existing image.

    This value is returned from Platform Builder. BL_DOWNLOAD is returned by default, but BL_JUMP is returned, if the user selected Jump to Image in the integrated development environment (IDE).

  • pdwDHCPLeaseTime
    [in] This is an overloaded parameter. NULL means a static IP. Otherwise, the value is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) lease time.

  • VersionMajor
    [in] Version number. Part of the bootme packet.

  • VersionMinor
    [in] Version number. Part of the bootme packet.

  • szPlatformString
    [in] Root name of the platform string. For example, "XSC1BD1234" may be the device name and the platform string is "XSC1BD".

  • szDeviceName
    [in] Full name of the device with the MAC address randomization at the end. For example, "XSC1BD1234" is the full name that shows up in Platform Builder.

  • CPUId
    [in] CPU identifier, for example, EDBG_CPU_ARM720.

    See %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Inc\Ethdbg.h for the list of CPU identifiers.

  • dwBootFlags
    [in] Set to zero.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


This function retrieves an IP address from a DHCP server, if necessary, and then initiates a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) connection to Platform Builder on the development workstation.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Halether.h.
Link Library: Hal.lib.

See Also

EDBG_ADDR | Eboot Code Library

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