HalTranslateSystemAddress (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function translates a physical system address to a logical bus address, which can be passed to a bus controller, for example, a direct memory access (DMA) bus controller.

BOOLEAN HalTranslateSystemAddress(INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType,ULONG BusNumber,PHYSICAL_ADDRESS SystemAddress,PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress)


  • InterfaceType
    [in] Type of bus on which the DMA controller resides.
  • BusNumber
    [in] Bus number.
  • SystemAddress
    [in] System physical address to translate.
  • TranslatedAddress
    [out] Translated bus-relative logical address.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if success. Returns FALSE if failure.


The translation between any of the bus interface types listed in INTERFACE_TYPE is supported.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: CEDDK.h.
Link Library: CEDDK.lib.

See Also


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