GetSetKeyValues (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function gets or sets values under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\KeyName registry key.

BOOL GetSetKeyValues(  LPCTSTR KeyName,  PREG_VALUE_DESCR ValDesc,  BOOL bSet,  BOOL bOverwrite);


  • KeyName
    [in] Registry path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  • ValDesc
    [in] Pointer to a registry value descriptor array, REG_VALUE_DESCR. The last array entry must be NULL.
  • bSet
    [in] Set to TRUE to get values from the registry. Set to FALSE to set values in the registry.
  • bOverwrite
    [in] Set to TRUE to overwrite the key if the key already exists.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful. Otherwise, returns FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Usbclient.h.

See Also


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