DeviceSearchType (Windows CE 5.0)

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This enumeration represents the ways to look for a matching device and is passed as a parameter to FindFirstDevice and FindNextDevice.

typedef enum {  DeviceSearchByLegacyName,   DeviceSearchByDeviceName,   DeviceSearchByBusName,   DeviceSearchByGuid,   DeviceSearchByParent } DeviceSearchType;


  • DeviceSearchByLegacyName
    Search by a legacy device name. For example, in a call to FindFirstDevice, pvSearchParam might be L"COM*" to search for all COMx: devices.
  • DeviceSearchByDeviceName
    Search by device name. For example, in a call to FindFirstDevice, pvSearchParam might be L"$device\\COM*" to search for all COMx devices.
  • DeviceSearchByBusName
    Search by bus name. For example, in a call to FindFirstDevice, pvSearchParam might be L"PCI_0_3*" to search for PCI_0_3_0, PCI_0_3_1 and so on.
  • DeviceSearchByGuid
    Search by GUID. For example, in a call to FindFirstDevice, pvSearchParam must be a GUID pointer.
  • DeviceSearchByParent
    Search by parent. For example, in a call to FindFirstDevice, pvSearchParam is an activation handle value returned from ActivateDeviceEx.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Winbase.h.

See Also

ActivateDeviceEx | FindFirstDevice | FindNextDevice

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