WSDLReader (Windows CE 5.0)

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This object loads and analyzes Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and Web Services Meta Language (WSML) files.

It makes the information in those files available through the following objects:

  • EnumWSDLService
  • WSDLService
  • EnumWSDLPort
  • WSDLPort
  • EnumWSDLOperation
  • WSDLOperation
  • EnumSoapMapper
  • SoapMapper

The WSDLReader object can also inspect an incoming SOAP message to identify the operation being requested.

The following methods and properties are supported by the WSDLReader object.

Method Description
load Loads and analyzes the specified WSDL and WSML documents.
GetSoapServices Returns a EnumWSDLService object that can be used to enumerate the SOAP services described in the loaded WSDL document.
ParseRequest Inspects the SOAP request, and returns the port (WSDLPort object) and operation (WSDLOperation object) corresponding to the request.
setProperty Allows WSDLReader properties to be set.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mssoap.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

WSDLService | WSDLPort | WSDLOperation | SOAP WSDL and WSML Objects

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