DATA_WRAPPER (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure specifies the characteristics of a RNDIS data wrapper.

typedef struct _DATA_WRAPPER {  LIST_ENTRY Link; UCHAR* pucData;  DWORDdwDataSize;}  DATA_WRAPPER, *PDATA_WRAPPER;


  • Link
    Head of the send packet or message used when this structure is being processed.
  • pucData
    Pointer to the RNDIS message or RNDIS packet the wrapper contains.
  • dwDataSize
    The size of the message or packet.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Rndismini.h.

See Also

IndicateRndisPacketCompleteHandler | MDDAllocDataWrapper | Kernel Independent Transport Layer | MDDFreeDataWrapper | MddIndicateRndisMessage | SendRndisMessageHandler | SendRndisPacketHandler

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