TLIBATTR (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information about a type library. The information identifies the type library and provides national language support for member names.

typedef struct FARSTRUCT tagTLIBATTR {GUIDguid;LCIDlcid;SYSKINDsyskind;unsignedshort wMajorVerNum;unsignedshort wMinorVerNum;unsignedshort wLibFlags;} TLIBATTR, FAR* LPTLIBATTR;


  • guid
    Globally unique library ID.
  • lcid
    Locale of type library.
  • syskind
    Target hardware platform.
  • wMajorVerNum
    Major version number.
  • wMinorVerNum
    Minor version number.
  • wLibFlags
    Library flags.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oaidl.h.

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