CardModifyConfiguration (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function modifies information in the fAttributes parameter, as specified by the CARD_CONFIG_INFO structure.

STATUS CardRequestConfiguration(CARD_CLIENT_HANDLE hCardClient,CARD_SOCKET_HANDLE hSock,PUINT16 fAttributes);


  • hCardClient
    [in] Handle obtained from the CardRegisterClient function.
  • hSock
    [in] Handle to the socket and function pair to modify.
  • fAttributes
    [in, out] Pointer to the fAttributes member in the CARD_CONFIG_INFO structure.

Return Values

    Indicates success.
    Indicates that the pointer specified for fAttributes is not valid.
    Indicates that the driver specified for hCardClient is not valid.
    Indicates that the socket identifier specified in hSock is not valid or that a PC Card is not inserted.
    Indicates that the configuration is owned by another driver.


The only information in fAttributes that can be set or reset with CardModifyConfiguration is CFG_ATTR_NO_SUSPEND_UNLOAD, CFG_ATTR_KEEP_POWERED, and CFG_ATTR_IRQ_WAKEUP.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Cardsv2.h.
Link Library: Pcc_serv.dll

See Also

CARD_CONFIG_INFO | CardReleaseConfiguration

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