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This structure contains information used when an application serializes an SAPI event. See SPSERIALIZEDEVENT64 for a 64-bit version of the serialized event structure. See SPEVENT for further information about the related event variable fields.

typedef [restricted] struct SPSERIALIZEDEVENT{  WORDeEventId;  WORDelParamType;  ULONGulStreamNum;  ULONGLONGullAudioStreamOffset;  ULONGSerializedwParam;  LONGSerializedlParam;} SPSERIALIZEDEVENT;


  • eEventId
    An event identifier. Possible values are defined for the SPEVENTENUM enumeration.
  • elParamType
    An event parameter type. Possible values are defined for the SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE enumeration.
  • ulStreamNum
    Input stream number associated with the event.
  • ullAudioStreamOffset
    Position in the audio stream where the event occurred.
  • SerializedwParam
    Value of the wParam member of the SPEVENT structure for the event.
  • SerializedlParam
    Value of the wParam member of the SPEVENT structure for the event.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.

See Also

SAPI Structures

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