SPPHRASEALT (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains alternate phrase information.

typedef struct tagSPPHRASEALT{  ISpPhraseBuilder* pPhrase;  ULONGulStartElementInParent;  ULONGcElementsInParent;  ULONGcElementsInAlternate;  void* pvAltExtra;  ULONGcbAltExtra;} SPPHRASEALT;


  • pPhrase
    Pointer to an object implementing ISpPhraseBuilder that represents the alternate phrase.
  • ulStartElementInParent
    Starting element in the parent phrase.
  • cElementsInParent
    Number of elements in the parent phrase.
  • cElementsInAlternate
    Number of elements in the alternate phrase.
  • pvAltExtra
    Pointer to private SR engine alternate analyzer data. This value can be NULL if no data is provided.
  • cbAltExtra
    Size, in bytes, of the data specified in pvAltExra. This value can be 0 if no data is provided.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.

See Also

SAPI Structures

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