Telephony API Server Test (Windows CE 5.0)
The Telephony API (TAPI) Server Test verifies that a peripheral device supports TAPI functionality, particularly the ability to complete inbound calls. The test initializes TAPI and monitors one or more lines for incoming calls. If a call is offered, the test connects the call using the lineAnswer function and then drops the call.
The following table shows the hardware requirements for the TAPI Server Test.
Requirements | Description |
Two TAPI devices | One TAPI device must be installed on the server to receive calls. The second TAPI device makes calls. You can use an external modem, PCMCIA modem, null modem, or IR modem as a TAPI device. |
The following table shows the software requirements for the TAPI Server Test.
Requirements | Description |
Tux.exe | Tux test harness, which is required for executing the test. |
Kato.dll | Kato logging engine, which is required for logging test data. |
Tooltalk.dll | Application required by Tux.exe and Kato.dll. Handles the transport between the target device and the development workstation. |
Tapiserver.dll | Test .dll file. |
TAPI client application | A TAPI client application that makes calls. |
Note When you run the TAPI Server Test, the CETK temporarily copies files to the root directory of the target device. Before running the test, verify that there is at least 0.4 megabytes (MB) of free space in the root directory of the target device. If there is not sufficient space in the root directory of the target device, the test cannot run.
See Also
Modifying the Telephony API Server Test
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