CETK Menu Options (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the menu options for the CETK.

Menu Description
Server On the Server menu, the Server Settings command displays the Server Settings dialog box. For more information, see Server Settings Dialog Box. The Exit command closes the CETK window.
Connection On the Connection menu, the Start client command displays the Device Connection dialog box, from which you can use Platform Manager to connect the CETK to a target device. For more information, see Device Connection Dialog Box.
View On the View menu, the Expand or Collapse command expands or collapses the selected node in the CETK window. You can expand the node if the node is currently collapsed or collapse the node if the node is currently expanded. The Status Bar command displays or hides the status bar for the CETK window.
Tests On the Tests menu, the User defined command runs the User-Defined Test Wizard. You can use the wizard to add a new test to the CETK, modify an existing test, or remove a test. For information about adding a test to the CETK by using the User-Defined Test Wizard, see Adding a Custom Test to the CETK. For information about building a custom test module, see Building a Tux DLL with Platform Builder.

When you remove a test from the CETK, the files required by the test are not removed because the files might support more than a single test.

The Suite Editor, Export Test Suite, and Import Test Suite commands allow you to manage a suite of tests that you can apply to any target device in the CETK window. For more information, see Creating a Suite of Tests.

The Start/Stop tests and View results commands display menus that list the connected target devices. You can use these commands as an alternative to right-clicking on a target device name in the CETK window. For more information, see Viewing the Results of a Test.

Help On the Help menu, the Help Topics command displays documentation for the CETK. The About Windows CE Test Kit command displays copyright information for the CETK.

See Also

CETK Tool Operation | CETK Setup

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