HCI Events (Windows CE 5.0)
The HCI_EVENT_INDICATION structure declared in bt_ddi.h, declares the full set of Bluetooth HCI events as defined by the HCI Specification at this Official Bluetooth Wireless Info Web site.
HCI events are raised either as a result of an action by a peer Bluetooth device or by executing HCI Commands on the device.
For example, issuing the HCI_CreateConnection command to the Bluetooth controller raises HCI_CommandStatusEvent that notifies the stack that a command has been accepted for execution.
This event is followed by an HCI_ConnectionCompleteEvent notification. This is raised when the connection is established or rejected. Other events, such as HCI_ConnectionRequestEvent, only occur as a result of an action on the peer Bluetooth device.
In addition, there are events such as HCI_LinkKeyChangedEvent that occur either as a result of executed command, or in response to an action by a peer Bluetooth device without a command being executed.
All events declared in HCI_EVENT_INDICATION contain both user context and call context. The following code example shows the function pointer declaration for the HCI_ConnectionCompleteEvent event handler.
typedef int (*HCI_ConnectionCompleteEvent)
(void *pUserContext,
void *pCallContext,
unsigned char status,
unsigned short connection_handle,
BD_ADDR *pba,
unsigned char link_type,
unsigned char encryption_mode);
The HCI layer matches events to commands that are currently in execution and returns the call context of the executing command in pCallContext. The command is completed**only after the corresponding event is raised. If the event is raised asynchronously, then pCallContext is NULL.
Every event that is generated by Bluetooth hardware — such as a connection request, command completion event, or command status event — is routed to the stack layer that specifies it in HCI_StackEvent .
See Also
Host Controller Interface | Bluetooth OS Design Development | Bluetooth Protocol Stack
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