External Modem Registry Key Sample (Windows CE 5.0)

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A default registry entry always exists for a Hayes-compatible modem that is connected to COM1. You can specify additional external modems under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ExtModems key. Most of the values that are set for PCMCIA modems also apply to external modems, except that the following values are ignored for external modems.

Value : type Default Description
TSP Unimodem.dll This value is redundant because Unimodem processes the ExtModem keys.
DeviceArrayIndex : REG_DWORD 1 The Serial.dll file uses these registry values when it loads for the port on which the external modem is connected.
Prefix COM  
DLL Serial.dll  
ResetDelay : REG_DWORD 800  

The following code example of registry entries will cause TAPI 2.0 to create a line device for the external modem from CompanyX and present it as one of the available TAPI devices. In this minimal example, all of the default settings from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Driver\Unimodem\Init and \Settings keys will be used.

    "FriendlyName"="CompanyX External Modem"

See Also

TAPI Registry Settings

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