Opening an OS Design (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


In Platform Builder for Windows Embedded CE 6.0, you can choose to create an OS design using the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 OS Design Wizard. For more information, see Creating an OS Design.

If you have already created an OS design, you can choose to save the associated OS design (.pbxml) file for future development purposes.

When you open an OS design, Platform Builder for CE 6.0 checks the configurations associated with that OS design for the following unsupported conditions.

  • The configuration contains a BSP not found in the Catalog.
  • The configuration contains a BSP referencing a CPU that is not installed.
  • The configuration contains a BSP whose platform directory does not exist.

If any of these conditions are found, Platform Builder for CE 6.0 provides you with the option of removing these unsupported configurations from the OS design. If you choose not to remove the configurations in question from the OS design, they do not appear in the Configuration list in the Configuration Manager. For information, see Unsupported Configurations in OS Design Dialog Box.

Opening a Visual Studio solution containing an OS design

  1. In Platform Builder for CE 6.0, from the File menu, choose Open, and then choose Project/Solution.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Visual Studio solution (.sln) file that you want to open, and then choose Open.

Opening an OS design file

  1. In Platform Builder for CE 6.0, from the File menu, choose Open, and then choose Project/Solution.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Platform Builder for CE 6.0 OS design (.pbxml) file that you want to open, and then choose Open.


If you choose to open a .pbxml file from a previous Windows Embedded CE version, there might be components that are not supported in Platform Builder for CE 6.0. For information, see Migrating an OS Design to Windows Embedded CE 6.0.

See Also


Modifying an OS Design