Target Device Connectivity Options: Transport Dialog Box (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Transport field on the Target Device Connectivity Options: Kernel Services Map page allows you to select one of the following kernel transports:

  • Ethernet
  • Serial
  • USB
  • None

When you choose Ethernet or Serial, you must also configure the transport by choosing the Settings button associated with the Transport field. Platform Builder displays a dialog box where you can configure the kernel transport.

Depending on the transport selected, one of the following dialog boxes is selected:

  • Ethernet KITL Settings
  • Serial KITL Settings

For more information about this dialog box, see Target Device Connectivity Options Dialog Box.

Ethernet KITL Settings

This dialog box allows you to specify settings for the Ethernet kernel transport.

  • Device KITL Name
    Specifies the name of the target device to establish a kernel-level connection with.
  • Active Devices
    Displays the names of active target devices that are connected to the network.
  • Use device name from bootloader
    If you select this check box, Platform Builder uses the name of the target device associated with the current boot loader.
  • OK
    Validates and saves the settings for the Ethernet kernel transport, and then returns to the Target Device Connectivity Options dialog box.
  • Cancel
    Cancels changes you made to the settings for the Ethernet kernel transport and closes the dialog box without saving changes.

Serial KITL Settings

This dialog box allows you to specify settings for the serial kernel transport.

  • COM Port
    Displays the port to use for serial communication.
  • Baud Rate
    Displays the baud rate for the serial connection.
  • Data Bits
    Specifies the number of data bits.
  • Parity
    Specifies the parity of the serial connection, if any.
  • Flow Control
    Specifies whether you want to use hardware for flow control.
  • Stop Bits
    Specifies the number of stop bits.
  • OK
    Validates and saves the settings for the serial kernel transport, and then returns to the KernelService Map tab.
  • Cancel
    Cancels changes you made to the settings for the serial kernel transport and closes the dialog box without saving changes.

See Also


Target Device Connectivity Options Dialog Box
Target Device Connectivity Options: Kernel Service Map