Configuring a Shared Drive on a Run-Time Image


To enable remote debugging on your device, you must set up a shared drive from your device. This share is mapped to a drive on your development system and is used by Visual Studio .NET 2003 to build debug versions of your applications.

Depending on the type of application you are debugging, native or managed, you must install different remote debugging services.

To configure a shared drive

  • Create a share on the device's system drive and then connect to it from the development system. The device can then trust the local development system and will allow it to write to the file system of the device.

    From the development system, open a command window. Use the Net command to map a shared drive to the device. For example, to map the device shared drive C$ to Z: on the development system, type the following:

    NET USE Z: \\machineName\C$

  • Create a share on the device's system drive and then connect to it from the development system. The device can then trust the local development system and will allow it to write to the file system of the device.

    From the development system, open a command window. Use the Net command to map a shared drive to the device. For example, to map the device shared drive C$ to Z: on the development system, type the following:

    NET USE Z: \\machineName\C$

See Also


Installing Visual Studio Remote Debugger for Managed Applications
Installing Visual Studio Remote Debugger for Native Applications


How to Configure a Device for Remote Debugging