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This structure contains information about a database retrieved by the CeGetDbInformationByHandle (EDB) function.

typedef struct BY_HANDLE_DB_INFORMATION {  WORD wVersion;  WORD wReserved;  CEGUID guidVol;  CEOID oidDbase;  CEDBASEINFOEX infDatabase;}BY_HANDLE_DB_INFORMATION;


  • wVersion
    Version of this structure; must be set to 2.
  • wReserved
    Reserved; do not use.
  • guidVol
    GUID of the parent volume.
  • oidDbase
    OID of the database.
  • infDatabase
    Extended database information.


The following list highlights the differences between this structure and the CEDB equivalent structure:

  • The structure uses CEDBASEINFOEX for EDB, in place of CEDBASEINFO for CEDB.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Windbase.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

CeGetDBInformationByHandle (EDB) | CEDBASEINFOEX (EDB)

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