IeXdi2Exec::AddCodeBps (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method adds new code breakpoints.

HRESULT AddCodeBps(  [in] DWORD ccbp,  [in, size_is(ccbp)] CODE_BP_TYPE acbp[],  [out, size_is(ccbp)] IeXdi2CodeBp *apieXdi2CodeBp[]);


  • ccbp
    Number of code breakpoints to create.

  • acbp[]
    Array of breakpoint type indicators.

    The elements of this array must be a member of CODE_BP_TYPE.

  • apieXdi2CodeBp
    Pointer to the IeXdi2CodeBp object interface for the newly created breakpoint object.

Return Values

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates the function was successful.
E_FAIL Indicates an unspecified failure.
E_NORESAVAILABLE Indicates a breakpoint resource was not available and the method cannot instantiate all breakpoints.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Indicates an out of memory error.
E_INVALIDARG Indicates one or more invalid arguments.
EXDI_E_COMMUNICATION Indicates a communication error between host driver and debugging target.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: eXDI2.h.
Link Library: ole32.lib, oleaut32.lib.

See Also

IeXDI2 Interfaces

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