ICcTransportStream::IsDataAvailable (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method determines if there is data to be read.

HRESULT IsDataAvailable(  VARIANT_BOOL* pbDataAvailable);


  • pbDataAvailable
    [out, retval] Set to VARIANT_TRUE, data is available to be read.

    Set to VARIANT_FALSE, no data is available to be read.

Return Values

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates success.
E_INVALIDARG Indicates an invalid argument.
0x8000xxxx When using ICcTcpStream, the transport stream might return a WinSock error result converted into an HRESULT format.

The high order bit of the HRESULT is always set to indicate failure.

The remainder of the HRESULT should be interpreted as the error code passed back from WinSock.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: CcTransport.idl.
Link Library: none.

See Also

Core Connectivity Interfaces

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