IDMOQualityControl::SetStatus (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method enables or disables quality control.

HRESULT SetStatus(DWORDdwFlags);


  • dwFlags
    [in] Value that specifies whether to enable or disable quality control. Use DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_ENABLED to enable quality control or zero to disable quality control.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value. Possible values include the following.

Value Description
S_OK Success
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument


By default, quality control is disabled. With quality control disabled, the DMO delivers every sample.

With quality control enabled, the DMO attempts to deliver samples on time. It can skip late samples if necessary.

If you enable quality control, call the IDMOQualityControl::SetNow method to specify the earliest time stamp that the DMO should process. Otherwise, the call to SetStatus succeeds but the DMO does not perform quality control.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Dmo.h.
Link Library: Dmoguid.lib.

See Also

IDMOQualityControl | IDMOQualityControl::SetNow

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