Bitmap Functions, Macros, and Data (Windows CE 5.0)
The Wxutil.h header file in the DirectShow base classes provides functions and macros to help convert between VIDEOINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures.
Programming element | Description |
BIT_MASKS_MATCH | Compares the masks of two video images. |
BITMASKS | Retrieves a pointer to the array of bitmasks for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
COLORS | Retrieves a pointer to an array of RGBQUAD structures that describes the color palette for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
DIBSIZE | Calculates the byte size of the specified bitmap |
HEADER | Retrieves a pointer to the image data from the specified video image. |
MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO | Retrieves the sequence header for the specified MPEG-1 video image. |
PALETTISED | Checks if the video image's color palette is 8-bit or less. |
PALETTE_ENTRIES | Returns the number of colors in the video image's palette. |
RESET_MASKS | Clears the specified video image's bitmasks. |
RESET_HEADER | Clears the specified video image. |
RESET_PALETTE | Clears the specified video image's color palette. |
SIZE_EGA_PALETTE | Calculates the size of the EGA (4-bit) color palette. |
SIZE_MASKS | Calculates the size of the mask's color palette. |
SIZE_MPEG1VIDEOINFO | Calculates the size of the specified MPEG-1 video image. |
SIZE_PALETTE | Calculates the size of the 8-bit color palette. |
SIZE_PREHEADER | Calculates the byte offset for the video image's bitmap information. |
SIZE_VIDEOHEADER | Calculates the size of the video image. |
TRUECOLOR | Retrieves a pointer to an array of TRUECOLORINFO structures that describes the bitmasks and color palette for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
These functions are made available to help manage VIDEOINFOHEADER structures, which are used throughout DirectShow to describe video data streams.
Although similar to the BITMAPINFO structure used in Microsoft Win32® and existing multimedia, VIDEOINFOHEADER also adds some new video-specific fields.
Global data | Description |
bits555 | Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 555 bitmap. |
bits565 | Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 565 bitmap. |
bits888 | Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 24-bit bitmap. |
See Also
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