RasFreeBuffer (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function releases a memory buffer that was allocated by a previous call to RasGetBuffer. A custom-scripting DLL, which is implemented by the developer, calls RasFreeBuffer through a function pointer. RAS passes the function pointer through the phnRasFreeBuffer parameter of the DLL's RasCustomScriptExecute function.



  • pBuffer
    Pointer to the memory buffer to free. This memory must have been obtained by a previous call to RasGetBuffer.

Return Values

    The function completes successfully.
    RAS cannot allocate more buffer space.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ras.h.
Link Library: Ppp.lib.

See Also

RAS Custom Scripting | RasCustomScriptExecute | RasGetBuffer

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