BthAGOnNetworkEvent (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is called by the Network Component of the Audio Gateway Service when an event occurs.

void BthAGOnNetworkEvent(  DWORD dwEvent,   LPSTR pszParam);


  • dwEvent
    [in] Specifies the event id. The following table shows the events with a description of the purpose of each.
    Event Description
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_IN Incoming call notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_OUT Outgoing call notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_CONNECT Call connected notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_DISCONNECT Call disconnected notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_REJECT Call dropped notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_INFO Caller identification notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_BUSY Call signal busy notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_RING Ring received notification.
    NETWORK_EVENT_FAILED Call failed notification.
  • pszParam
    [in] Points to a null-terminated string that contains parameter strings associated with the event that is passed in dwEvent. For example, if NETWORK_EVENT_CALL_IN is passed, then pszParam points to a string that contains the phone number of the incoming caller.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Btagnetwork.h.
Link Library: Btagsvc.lib .

See Also

Audio Gateway Core Component | Network Component

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