/LTCG (Windows CE 5.0)
The /LTCG option tells the linker to call the compiler and perform whole program optimization.
- :NOSTATUS | :STATUS (optional)
Specifies whether the linker should display a progress indicator showing what percentage of the link is complete. The default is to not display this status information.
/LTCG is implied with /GL - Enable Link-time Code Generation. If you use /GL with /c, you can use /LTCG when you link your .obj files for the fastest possible build performance.
When /LTCG is used with either /Og - Enable Global Optimization, /O1, /O2 - Specify Small or Fast Code, or /Ox - Use Maximum Optimization, the following optimizations are performed:
- Cross-module inlining
- Custom calling convention (x86 only)
- Small TLS displacement (x86 only)
- Stack double alignment (x86 only)
- Improved memory disambiguation (better interference information for global variables)
Using /LTCG and /Ogt will result in double-alignment optimization.
If /LTCG and /Ogs are specified, double alignment is not performed.
If most functions in an application are compiled for speed, with a few functions compiled for size (for example, by using the optimize pragma), the compiler double-aligns the functions that are optimized for size if they call functions that need double alignment.
See Also
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