Public Common OAK Drivers Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Public Common OAK Drivers directory contains Common\OAK driver functionality included with source code for Windows CE.

Directory Sysgen Description Buildable Code type
1394 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
1394\drivers Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\client Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
1394\drivers\client\1394dcam SYSGEN_1394_DCAM Non-AV/C Web Camera Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\client\avc_stream SYSGEN_1394_AVC_STREAMING AV/c Streaming Filter Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\client\avc_vcr SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VCR AV/C VCR Subunit Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\oemohci Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\virtual Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\virtual\1394dcam SYSGEN_1394_DCAM_VIRTUAL Non-AV/C Web Camera Virtual Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\virtual\avc_unit SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VIRTUAL AVC Virtual Subunit Core From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\drivers\virtual\avc_vvcr SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VCR_VIRTUAL AV/C VCR Virtual Subunit Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
\1394\test Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
\1394\test\dll Not applicable IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\dll\1394api SYSGEN_1394_TOOLS IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\driver Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
\1394\test\driver\1394diag SYSGEN_1394_DIAG IEEE 1394 Test Tools - Diagnostics Driver From command line Public
\1394\test\driver\1394vdev SYSGEN_1394_DIAG_VIRTUAL IEEE 1394 Test Tools - Diagnostics Virtual Driver From command line Public
\1394\test\driver\common Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
\1394\test\exec Not applicable IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\exec\ceRundll32 SYSGEN_1394_TOOLS IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
\1394\test\ui Not applicable IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\ui\topomap SYSGEN_1394_TOOLS IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\ui\win1394 SYSGEN_1394_TOOLS IEEE 1394 Test Tools From command line Public
\1394\test\ui\win61883 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
acm Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
acm\acmdwrap _SYSGEN_ACMDWRAP Wrapper to allow DirectShow ACM Audio codecs to be used as CE ACM drivers From command line Public
acm\gsm610 SYSGEN_ACM_GSM61 GSM610 Codec From Platform Builder or command line Public
acm\msfilter SYSGEN_ACM_MSFILTER Simple ACM Filter From command line Public
acm\pcmconv Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
block Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\atadisk SYSGEN_atadisk ATADISK Storage Block Driver (CF/PC Card) From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\atapi SYSGEN_atapi ATAPI PCI/IDE Storage Block Driver (HD/CD/DVD) From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\ramdisk Not applicable RAMDISK Block Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\ramdisk\driver Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\ramdisk\loader Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
block\sdmmc SYSGEN_SDMMC Secure Digital/MultiMedia Card (SD/MMC) Storage Block Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
bluetooth Not applicable Bluetooth public root directory From command line Public
bluetooth\drivers Not applicable Bluetooth drivers root directory From command line Public
bluetoothwendyser SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth wendeyser driver From command line Public
bluetooth\sample Not applicable Bluetooth samples root directory From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btcp Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btdc Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btecho Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btfilter Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\bthlink SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth bthlink From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\bthnscreate Not applicable Bluetooth SDP record creation sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btloader SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth loader app From command line Public
Bluetooth\sample\btmodem Not applicable Bluetooth example for Hayes-compatible modem From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btpair Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\btsvc SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth service sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\comtest Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\dunport SYSGEN_BTH_GATEWAY Bluetooth dunport sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\fctest Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\l2capapi Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\l2capdev Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\opttest Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\phoneui Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\printui Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\sca Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\sdpsearch Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\socktest Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\sample\ssa Not applicable Bluetooth application sample From command line Public
bluetooth\transports Not applicable Bluetooth transports base directory From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\ambicom SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth ambicom transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\bcsp SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth BSCP transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\sc SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth SocketCom/Nokia Transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\uart SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth uart transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\univ SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth universal transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\usb SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth USB transport From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss Not applicable Bluetooth WSS driver From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss\BTDriver Not applicable Bluetooth WSS driver From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss\BTDriver\Wcestreambt SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth WSS driver From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss\BTStack Not applicable Bluetooth WSS driver From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss\BTStack\MsoftAdapter SYSGEN_BTH Bluetooth WSS driver From command line Public
bluetooth\transports\wss\inc Not applicable Bluetooth WSS driver Not supported Public
calibrui Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
ceddk Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\ddk_bus Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\ddk_dma Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\ddk_io Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\ddk_map Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\dll Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ceddk\test\isaenum Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
ceddk\test\pcienum Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
CerDisp Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
CerDisp\CerDisp SYSGEN_CERDISP CE Remote Display application From command line Public
CerDisp\CerHost SYSGEN_CERDISP CE Remote Display Utility Not supported Public
CerDisp\Inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
display Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
display\aablt Not applicable Blit Antialiasing Library From command line Public
display\ati Not applicable ATI Sample Driver From command line Public
display\ddgpe Not applicable DirectDraw enabled GPE class From command line Public
display\DispPerf Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
display\emul Not applicable Blit Emulation Library From command line Public
display\emulrotate Not applicable Blit Emulation Library For Rotation From command line Public
display\mq200 Not applicable MQ200 Display Driver From command line Public
display\mq200\ext Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
display\mq200\ext\cfginc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
display\nopdisp Not applicable No-op Display Driver From command line Public
display\rflat Not applicable Flat VGA Display Driver For Rotation From command line Public
display\swg Not applicable Software Graphics Library for DDI drivers From command line Public
display\swg\templates Not applicable Include files for SWG Not supported Public
display\vgaflat Not applicable Flat VGA Display Driver From command line Public
ethdbg Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
ethdbg\am79c970 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\blcommon Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\dec21140 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\dp83815 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\eboot Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\edbgsamp Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
ethdbg\kitleth Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\ne2000 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\rne_mdd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\rtl8139 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\smc9000 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\smsc100 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\vbdgstub Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\vbridge Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ethdbg\vmini Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
fsd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
fsd\encfilt Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
fsd\fatutil Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
fsd\fsdspy Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
GDcfg Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
giisr Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
helper Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
helper\pcireg Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
imejpn\skinnable UI Not applicable Japanese IME 3.1 Customizable UI Not supported Public
imejpn\skinnable UI\ce Not applicable Predefined UI skin for Japanese IME 3.1 that matches Windows 95 Not supported Public
imejpn\skinnable UI\cexp Not applicable Predefined UI skin for Japanese IME 3.1 that matches Windows XP Not supported Public
imejpn\skinnable UI\resources Not applicable Resource files for Japanese IME 3.1 Customizable UI Not supported Public
imejpn\dicmake SYSGEN_IMEJPN_DICTIONARY_TOOL Japanese IME 3.1 Dictionary Compiler Not supported Public
imejpp Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
imejpp\CommonCode Not applicable Pocket IME 2.0 Common Code (Don't change) Not supported Public
imejpp\dicmake\bin Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
imejpp\imeui SYSGEN_PIME Pocket IME 2.0 Sample UI From Platform Builder or command line Public
irmac Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
irmac\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
irmac\irsir Not applicable IrDA Serial IR NDIS MAC driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
irmac\utils Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\Kbd8042XTMsEngUs1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\Kbd8042XTMsJpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\Kbd8042XTMsJpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\Kbd8042XTMsKor1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\KbdNopXTMsEngUs1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\KbdNopXTMsJpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\KbdNopXTMsJpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\dll\KbdNopXTMsKor1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ist Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\mdd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\nop Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\PS2_8042 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\ATScan Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\ATScan\MsEngUs1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\ATScan\MsJpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\ATScan\MsJpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\ATScan\MsKor1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\XTScan Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\XTScan\MsEngUs1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\XTScan\MsJpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\XTScan\MsJpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\ScanVk\XTScan\MsKor1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkChar Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkChar\EngUs1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkChar\Jpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkChar\Jpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkRemap Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkRemap\Jpn1 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkRemap\Jpn2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd\VkRemap\Simple Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd2\ist Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd2\svkremap Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd2\vkremap Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
keybd2\vktochar Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
lmemdebug SYSGEN_lmemdebug Memory Leak tracking sample From command line Public
messagedialogboxcustomize SYSGEN_MSGDLGBOXCUSTOMIZE Headless version of MessageBox functions Not supported Public
mmtimer Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
ndisuio SYSGEN_NDISUIO NDIS user I/O utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\dc21x4 SYSGEN_ETHERNET NDIS miniport driver for DEC 21x4 chipset From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\DP83815 SYSGEN_ETHERNET NDIS miniport driver for DP83815 (MacPhyter) chipset From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\ne2000 SYSGEN_ETHERNET NDIS miniport driver for NE2000 chipset From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\rndismini SYSGEN_ETHERNET Microsoft RNDIS Miniport Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\smsc100fd SYSGEN_ETHERNET NDIS miniport driver for SMSC100FD chipset From Platform Builder or command line Public
netcard\xircom.ce2 SYSGEN_ETHERNET NDIS miniport driver for Xircom CE2 chipset From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\asyncmac SYSGEN_MODEM Async WAN miniport driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\autoras Not applicable Persists power level setting of an adapter. Not supported Public
netsamp\autoras\dll SYSGEN_AUTORAS RAS auto dialer From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\autoras\test Not applicable Test program for RAS autodialer From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\connmc SYSGEN_CONNMC Network and Dial Up Connections UI From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ethman SYSGEN_ETHERNET System tray icon and dialog displaying network status From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ipconfig SYSGEN_NETUTILS IP configuration utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ipnat Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ipnat\editsamp Not applicable Sample editor framework for Network Address Translation (NAT) From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ipv6tun SYSGEN_NETUTILS Utility to configure Ipv6 tunnels. From command line Public
netsamp\NdisPwr SYSGEN_CONNMC Driver for NDIS power management From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\netstat SYSGEN_NETUTILS Network statistics utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\passthru Not applicable [Sample PassThru Intermediate Driver] From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\pegterm Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\pegterm\app SYSGEN_PEGTERM Terminal emulation utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\pegterm\termctrl SYSGEN_PEGTERM Helper library for terminal emulation utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\ping SYSGEN_NETUTILS PING network diagnostic utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\rasdial SYSGEN_NETUTILS Sample app for setting up PPP connections From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\rasentry Not applicable RAS phonebook entry configuration utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\rnaapp SYSGEN_CONNMC UI for establishing and providing status for RAS connections From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\route SYSGEN_NETUTILS Utility for displaying and configuring the IP routing table From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\tracert SYSGEN_NETUTILS Traces the path that IP packets take from the machine running the utility to the destination IP address From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\tapihelp Not applicable Helper library for using TAPI functions From Platform Builder or command line Public
netsamp\zclog Not applicable Wireless Zero Configuration status monitoring cmd line utility From Platform Builder or command line Public
netui Not applicable Sample networking and device driver user interface routines From Platform Builder or command line Public
oomui Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
parallel SYSGEN_parallel Parallel Port Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
PCIbus Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pcmcia Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pcmcia\i82365 Not applicable PCMCIA Host Controller Driver (I82365) From Platform Builder or command line Public
pcmcia\mdd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pcmcia\test Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pcmcia\test\devtuple Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pcmcia\test\tupletst Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pcmcia\ti1250 Not applicable PCMCIA Host Controller Driver (TI-1250) From Platform Builder or command line Public
pcmcia\ti1250isr Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\battery SYSGEN_PM Power Manager Battery Interface From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\dll SYSGEN_PM Sample Full Power Manager Implementation From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\mdd SYSGEN_PM Power Manager MDD From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\platform SYSGEN_PM Sample Power Manager PDD From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\pmstubs SYSGEN_PMSTUBS Minimal Power Manager From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\test Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
pm\test\devsample Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\get Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\getd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\mon Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\req Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\set Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
pm\test\setd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
printer Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
printer\pcl SYSGEN_pcl PCL Printing Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
printer\prnerr SYSGEN_printing Printing Status Report Library From Platform Builder or command line Public
printer\prnport SYSGEN_printing Printing Port Library From Platform Builder or command line Public
regenum Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
RndisFn Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
RndisFn\Net2890 SYSGEN_ETHERNET RNDIS function driver for NET2890 USB interface controller From Platform Builder or command line Public
samptspi Not applicable Sample TAPI service provider From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\2890_ser Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\com_card Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\com_mdd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\com_mdd2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\com16550 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\isr16550 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\ser_card Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\ser_card2 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
serial\ser16550 Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
skinnableui Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
skinnableui\commctrl Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\commctrlxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin Not supported Public
skinnableui\commctrlxp\res SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin Not supported Public
skinnableui\gwe Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
skinnableui\gwe\btnctl Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\cmbctl Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\gcache Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\lbctlview Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\nclient Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\sbcmn Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gwe\stcctl Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin Not supported Public
skinnableui\gweXP\btnctlviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\cmbctlviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\gcacheviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\gcacheviewxp\res SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin Not supported Public
skinnableui\gweXP\inc SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin Not supported Public
skinnableui\gweXP\lbctlviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\nclientviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\sbcmnviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
skinnableui\gweXP\stcctlviewxp SYSGEN_XPSKIN Windows XP control skin From command line Public
smartcard Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
smartcard\bulltlp3 SYSGEN_smartcard_serial Serial Smartcard Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
smartcard\pscr SYSGEN_smartcard_pcmcia PCMCIA Smartcard Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
smartcard\smclib Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
smartcard\stcusb SYSGEN_usb_smartcard USB Smartcard Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
snmp Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
snmp\snmptestmib SYSGEN_SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol test MIB From Platform Builder or command line Public
startui Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
tch_cal Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
test Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
test\pcmcia Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From command line Public
touch Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
touch\basic SYSGEN_touch Touch Screen Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
touch\tchmain SYSGEN_touch Touch Screen Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
touch\trnscrbr SYSGEN_touch Touch Screen Driver for Transcriber From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\common Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\hid SYSGEN_usb_hid USB HID Class Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\printer SYSGEN_usb_printer USB Printer Class Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\storage Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\storage\class SYSGEN_usb_storage USB Storage Class Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\storage\disk Not applicable USB Storage Class Driver (SCSI2) From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\storage\disk\SCSI2 SYSGEN_USB_STORAGE Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\class\storage\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\clients Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\common Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\hcd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\hcd\ohc SYSGEN_usb OHCI Host Controller Library From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\hcd\ohcd2 SYSGEN_usb OHCI Host Controller Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\hcd\uhc SYSGEN_usb UHCI library From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\hcd\uhcd SYSGEN_usb UHCI Host Controller Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\inc Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column From Platform Builder or command line Public
usb\usbd SYSGEN_usb USB Driver From Platform Builder or command line Public
vgacon Not applicable sample text only video driver From command line Public
wavedev Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
wavedev\mdd SYSGEN_AUDIO Wavedev MDD From command line Public
wavedev\pdd Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
wavedev\pdd\es1371 SYSGEN_AUDIO Ensoniq Audio Driver From command line Public
wavedev\unified Not applicable Sample Driver file - see directory column Not supported Public
wavedev\unified\ensoniq SYSGEN_AUDIO Ensoniq Audio Driver (Unified) From command line Public
waveui SYSGEN_AUDIO ACM user interface replaceable functions From Platform Builder or command line Public

See Also

Public Common OAK CSP Directory | Public Common OAK Demos Directory | Public Common OAK Tools Directory | Public Common OAK Utils Directory | Shared Source Public Common OAK Directory | Shared Source Public Common SDK Directory | Shared Source Public Common Directory | Shared Source Public Directory | Shared Source Code Directories

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