Private Wceshellfe Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the contents of the Private Wceshellfe directory, which contains functionality included with shared source code for Windows CE.

Directory Sysgen Description Buildable Code type
external Not applicable Private shell root Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter Not applicable Shell root directory Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter\forms Not applicable Shell Forms directory Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter\forms\asform SYSGEN_STANDARDSHELL ASForm ActiveX host Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter\Server Not applicable Shell server directory Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter\Server\ceshell SYSGEN_STANDARDSHELL ceshell core shell dll Not supported* Shared Source
jupiter\Server\explorer SYSGEN_STANDARDSHELL HPC Explorer shell Not supported* Shared Source

See Also

Shared Source Private Directory | Shared Source Code Directories

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