Private Servers UPNP Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the contents of the Private Servers UPNP directory, which contains UPNP functionality included with shared source code for Windows CE.

Directory Sysgen Description Buildable Code type
inc Not applicable UPnP Include Directory Not supported* Shared Source
ssdp Not applicable UPnP SSDP support Not supported* Shared Source
ssdp\core SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) server Not supported* Shared Source
ssdp\inc Not applicable UPnP SSDP support Include directory Not supported* Shared Source
ssdp\server SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) server Not supported* Shared Source
ssdp\ssdpapi SYSGEN_UPNP_CTRL Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) control point Not supported* Shared Source
upbase Not applicable UPnP Base Files From command line Shared Source
upnpcapi SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE_MINI Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) device host C API Not supported* Shared Source
upnpctrl SYSGEN_UPNP_CTRL Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) control point Not supported* Shared Source
upnphost SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) device host Not supported* Shared Source
upnploader SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) device host Not supported* Shared Source
upnpsvc SYSGEN_UPNP_DEVICE Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) device host Not supported* Shared Source
util Not applicable UPnP Utilities From command line Shared Source
util\util_httplite Not applicable UPnP Http lite support From command line Shared Source
util\util_wininet Not applicable UPnP Wininet From command line Shared Source
Yacl Not applicable UPnP Yacl directory From command line Shared Source

See Also

Private Servers DirectoryShared Source Private Directory | Shared Source Code Directories

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