NdisSetPacketPoolProtocolId (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function associates a packet pool with a protocol.

VOID NdisSetPacketPoolProtocolId(  IN NDIS_HANDLEPacketPoolHandle,
  IN UINT  ProtocolId


  • PacketPoolHandle
    Handle to a packet pool.
  • ProtocolId
    Specifies the identifier of a protocol with which to associate the packet pool.

Return Values



NdisSetPacketPoolProtocolId must be called before any packet descriptors NDIS_PACKET are allocated from the packet pool that is specified by PacketPoolHandle.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.

Header: Ndis.h.

Link Library: Ndis.lib

See Also

NDIS_SET_PACKET_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO | NdisAllocatePacket | NdisOpenAdapter | NdisSend | MiniportSendPackets | NdisGetPacketFlags | MiniportSend

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