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This object identifier is a bit-significant value, that represents all of the CCA modes supported by the PHY. The following table shows the valid values.

Mode Value
Energy detect only (ED_ONLY) 01
Carrier sense only (CS_ONLY) 02
Carrier sense and energy detect (ED_and_CS) 04
Carrier sense with timer (CS_and_Timer) 08
High rate carrier sense and energy detect (HRCS_and_ED) 16

You may also use the logical sum of any of these values. In the high rate extension PHY, this object identifier is used in preference to the OID_DOT11_CCA_MODE_SUPPORTED object identifier.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Windot11.h.

See Also

802.1x Authentication | Network Drivers

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