NdisEqualUnicodeString (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function compares two Unicode strings and returns whether they are equal.

BOOLEAN NdisEqualUnicodeString(PNDIS_STRINGString1,PNDIS_STRINGString2,BOOLEANCaseInSensitive);


  • String1
    [in] Points to the first Unicode string.
  • String2
    [in] Points to the second Unicode string.
  • CaseInSensitive
    [in] If CaseInSensitive is TRUE, NdisEqualUnicodeString will ignore case when doing the comparison.

Return Values

NdisEqualUnicodeString returns TRUE if the two Unicode strings are equal, and FALSE if the two Unicode strings are not equal.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.
Link Library: Ndis.lib

See Also

NdisEqualAnsiString | NdisEqualString

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