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This structure contains window address information.

typedef struct CARD_WINDOW_ADDRESS {CARD_SOCKET_HANDLEhSocket;UINT32uCardAddress;UINT32uSize;UINT32uWindowPhAddr;UINT32uGranularity;UINT16fAttributes;UINT8fAccessSpeed;UINT8Reserved;} CARD_WINDOW_ADDRESS, *PCARD_WINDOW_ADDRESS;


  • hSocket
    Handle to a socket and function pair.
  • uCardAddress
    Window address. For an IN parameter, it is the PC Card address. On a return, it is the parent bus address that accesses the window.
  • uSize
    Requested window size. For an IN parameter, it is the size requested by the caller. On a return, it is the size that was mapped.
  • uWindowPhAddr
    Physical address to which the window is mapped.
  • uGranularity
    Address granularity.
  • fAttributes
    Encoded window attributes.
  • fAccessSpeed
    Encoded memory access speed.
  • Reserved


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Cardsv2.h

See Also

PC Card Driver Structures

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