OALIntrDoneIrqs (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function scans the list of interrupts identified by an IRQ, signaling the end of interrupt processing.

VOID OALIntrDoneIrqs(  UINT32 count,  const UINT32 *pIrqs);


  • count
    [in] Number of IRQs in the list.
  • pIrqs
    [in] Pointer to the list of IRQs.

Return Values



If your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks, OALIntrDoneIrqs must call the BSPIntrDoneIrq function for each IRQ in the list before it re-enables each IRQ. BSPIntrDoneIrq can also perform board-specific actions and modify an IRQ.


OS Versions: Windows CE Version 5.0 and later
Header: Oal_intr.h
Link Library: Developer-defined

See Also

Interrupt Functions

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