BSPIntrEnableIrq (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function must be called by OALIntrEnableIrqs if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks. This function must be called for each IRQ in the list before the IRQ is enabled.

UINT32 BSPIntrEnableIrq(  UINT32 irq);


  • irq
    [in] Specifies the IRQ to be enabled.

Return Values

Returns the IRQ that must be enabled on the primary interrupt controller. Returns IRQ_UNDEFINED if no other IRQ needs to be enabled.


BSPIntrEnableIrq can also perform board-specific actions and modify an IRQ.


OS Versions: Windows CE Version 5.0 and later
Header: Oal_intr.h
Link Library: Developer-defined

See Also

Interrupt Functions

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