I/O IOCTLs (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the I/O IOCTLs.

Programming Element Description
IOCTL_OAL_BUSPOWEROFF This IOCTL puts the bus driver specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure into power off mode.
IOCTL_OAL_BUSPOWERON This IOCTL puts the bus driver specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure into power on mode.
IOCTL_OAL_READBUSDATA This IOCTL reads data from the bus address specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure into a buffer, which is also specified in the structure.
IOCTL_OAL_TRANSBUSADDRESS This IOCTL translates the bus-relative address specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure to a system address, which is also specified in the structure
IOCTL_OAL_TRANSSYSADDRESS This IOCTL translates the system RAM address specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure to a bus-relative address, which is also specified in the structure
IOCTL_OAL_WRITEBUSDATA This IOCTL writes data from the buffer specified in the OAL_DDK_PARAMS structure to a specific bus address, also specified in the structure.

See Also

I/O Reference | Production-Quality OAL Components

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