Evaluating Contiguous Memory Allocation Data
Please see the section Collecting Contiguous Memory Allocation Data for an explanation of this scenario.
Viewing Contiguous Allocation Data in a Summary Table
To begin analysis of the trace file, enter the following at the command line:
xperf ContMem.etl
This will bring up the graph viewing facility. Choose the Stack Counts by Type graph from the list of graphs. For more information on using the graph facility of WPT please see Windows Performance Analyzer Feature: Graphs.
Open the Context Menu by right clicking on the graph and choosing Summary Table from the context menu. For more information on using summary tables please see the Summary Tables section of this document. A summary table similar to the following screen shot will open.
This summary table indicates the process alloccontmemexe.exe generated 17 contiguous memory events. Additionally, the calling stack for each of the allocations is listed.
Viewing Contiguous Memory Allocation Data in Text Format
For information on viewing trace data in text format, please see the Actions section of this document.
From the command line enter the following:
xperf -i ContMem.etl -o ContMem.txt
This command will parse the trace file, ContMem.etl, and reformat the data in ASCII format.
Open ContMem.txt using your text editor.
Search for "ContiguousMemoryGeneration" in ContMem.txt
The following is an example of a driver allocating 64 MB of memory. This is denoted by the number 67108864.
ContiguousMemoryGeneration, 56768383, alloccontmemexe.exe (1784), 324, 0, 67108864
Stack, 56768383, 324, 1, 0xfffff80001104787, ntoskrnl.exe!EtwpStackTraceDispatcher
Stack, 56768383, 324, 2, 0xfffff800013eaf90, ntoskrnl.exe!WmiReleaseKernelBuffer
Stack, 56768383, 324, 3, 0xfffff800010b800c, ntoskrnl.exe!MiFindContiguousPages
Stack, 56768383, 324, 4, 0xfffff8000128de86, ntoskrnl.exe!MiFindContiguousMemory
Stack, 56768383, 324, 5, 0xfffff8000101cb2d, ntoskrnl.exe!MiAllocateContiguousMemory
Stack, 56768383, 324, 6, 0xfffff8000102d15d, ntoskrnl.exe!MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache
Stack, 56768383, 324, 7, 0xfffffadfe7827260, alloccontmemdrv.sys!0xfffffadfe7827260
Stack, 56768383, 324, 8, 0xfffffadfe7827334, alloccontmemdrv.sys!0xfffffadfe7827334
Stack, 56768383, 324, 9, 0xfffff800012d28cf, ntoskrnl.exe!IopXxxControlFile
Stack, 56768383, 324, 10, 0xfffff800012e2f26, ntoskrnl.exe!NtDeviceIoControlFile
Stack, 56768383, 324, 11, 0xfffff80001040bfd, ntoskrnl.exe!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
Stack, 56768383, 324, 12, 0x0000000077ef0a5a, ntdll.dll!ZwDeviceIoControlFile